Celine - Stone Grout Sealer

Ingenuity makes it clear.
Solvents make it strong.

Professionals love Celine – a clear topical stone grout sealer. So, when they asked us to build a durable gloss sealer for interior and exterior, we went all in. And then we went way, way beyond, creating a solvent sealer with a lavender fragrance and the most staggeringly powerful resin collection known. And we did it without adding a millimeter to its iconic all-in-one design.
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There’s never been a better
time to seal your stone.

A clear UV protection sealer with a solvent core is remarkable enough. But, a clear sealer, which is shower approved, is an entirely different creature. And hydrophobic technology, and fast drying resins, have the power and flexibility to balance superb durability with a great single application performance. So, whether you’re sealing your slate, marble, travertine, limestone or flagstone, it all gets done at lightning speed. Proof, once again, that there’s perfection in our sealants.
Marble >    Travertine >    Slate >    Granite >

Celine - A Clear Solvent Stone Grout Sealer for Stone
Celine - A Clear Resin Topical Sealer
Celine Stone Grout Sealer

Pushing hydrophobic stone sealers
even further with Celine.

Celine’s clear resin protection leaves a meticulous sheen and delivers an intense hydrophobic experience, waterproofing the surface. It prevents mold, mildew and stains in your shower and outside patios, while cutting down on the efflorescence.
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Easy to use. Easy To love.

When we want to formulate something great, we challenge every assumption in chemistry. We cast aside all standard materials and methods that the industry currently offers to labs. We refused to rest until it became possible to create sealers like no other. Imagine a sealer that is chemical resistant, which maintains your stone with ease. And we can’t wait for you to experience this hydrophobic sealer to unfold in front of you.

Celine Stone Grout Sealer | pFOkUS
Shower Restorations had made easy with Celine Stone Grout Sealer

Shower restoration just
became easier.

You strive for durable sealers with that perfect coat of lush enhancement. And we strive for long-lasting sealers that last in the worst environments. First, clean the grout and stone with Imperia, color seal all the joints with Caponi and then seal all the stone with Celine. Imperia is our deep cleaner for all tile, grout and stone. Caponi is a 2 part pigmented stone grout sealer made with titanium and epoxies/resins.
Imperia deep cleaner >
Caponi pigmented grout sealer >
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Enhancing the color of etched stone.

Traditionally, stone enhancing sealers have relied primarily on water and oil based penetrating sealers that don’t prevent stains or etching. But, Celine’s sealant performance is dramatically increased preventing etching, mold & mildew and chemical damage. pFOkUS® chemists looked ahead and engineered a process more powerful than others. Not only does it feature a state-of-the-art topical protection with deep penetration — it also features enhancing technology of all dark colored porous stones.
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Enhance the Color of Etched Stone with Celine Stone Grout Sealer

Questions about Celine – stone grout sealer?
We have answers.

Does Celine’s sheen stay high gloss?

The sheen wears down overtime. The sheen will last longer on floors than showers.

Will Celine help prevent efflorescence on shower floors?

Yes. If Caponi is used to seal the grout, Sentura used to replace the caulk and then waterproof all the stone with Celine.

Can we apply Celine over itself?

Yes. As long as the stone is cleaned with Imperia. Celine will emulsify itself into the current coat of Celine.

Does Celine have a bad smell?

Celine is fragranced with a lavender smell.

What is the difference between Celine and water based sealers.

Celine seals, waterproofs and is chemical resistant and UV rays protectant. Water based sealers only seal the surface.

Celine Stone Grout Sealer - Bottle Sprayer

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