ds124 pfokus framed shower door sweep wipe

DS124 is a frameless shower
glass door seal jamb.

  • 32”, 36” or 95” lengths.
  • Easy installation with grip tight technology, simply push onto the side of the glass door or the side glass panel.
  • The rigid fin stops the door from swinging both in and out.
ds124 pfokus framed shower door sweep
ds124 pfokus frameless shower door sweep wipe

A glass shower door seal
made with a cushion.

The DS124 is a clear polycarbonate ‘H’ jamb that is used and with a 180° inline glass-to-glass application. Snap onto the fixed panel with the lip on the strike side, or onto the door with the lip on the hinge side.

Buy 32″ $24.95>

Buy 36″ or 98″ >

pFOkUS Shower Door Sweeps seals Vs Other Companies

Polycarbonate sets the standard in durability for shower door sweeps — it’s the most durable material yet. We do not sell cheaper imported plastic sweeps. Polycarbonate has more of a natural clear look, stronger, and will hold to the glass better.


Are water spots
covering your glass?

Benaz will remove all the etching and water spots with ease. Simply apply the Benaz to the applicator pad that comes with the kit and massage the your shower glass door and enclosure.
Benaz water spot cleaner >
How to polish etched glass video >
Buy Benaz >

Benaz Shower Tub Glass Water Dot Etching Remover

Prevent hard water spot
etching and corrosion.

We understand that squeegeeing or wiping down your shower glass door and enclosure takes to much time in the mornings. Valore glass cleaner and sealer, will not only seal the pores in the shower glass eliminating water dots and etching, it will clean you glass, giving a lush shine across the surface. Valore has a molecular technology, creating a hydrophilic surface causing water to sheet off the glass instead of beading off which creates water dots.
Valore glass sealer & cleaner >
How to seal glass video >
Buy Valore >

Questions about DS124?
Here are our answers.

Is the DS124 transparent?

Yes the shower door sweep is transparent and clear.

Are the clear pFOkUS blocks transparent?

Yes the blocks used to shim the sweep are transparent. Shower door shims >

Can I use scissors to cut the DS124?

No. Our sweeps are durable and thick, so we sell sweep cutters.
Link to cutters >

Will the sweep stop my shower door from leaking?

We are unable to say yes or no. The sweeps are developed to deflect the water towards the shower.

Do you sell a product the will build up the tile to stop leaking?

We do have thresholds that are very classy and will adhere to the surface under the shower glass. Glass door thresholds >

We my shower door sweep last a couple years?

Yes most sweeps should be replaced every couple years. Lippage in tile can wear down the sweep faster.

Does the sweep push on or do I need waterproof tape?

The sweep simply pushes on the glass.


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